Category / Cultural Alliance News

Cultural Alliance of Western Connecticut Unveils Plans for Arts Hub Feasibility Study

Cultural Alliance of Western Connecticut Unveils Plans for Arts Hub Feasibility Study

The Cultural Alliance of Western Connecticut is excited to announce the commencement of a comprehensive feasibility study for establishing an Arts Hub in Danbury, following the receipt of a $250,000 planning grant awarded last fall, through DECD and the Community Investment Fund. This initiative, supported by state leaders and the City of Danbury, aims to transform the cultural landscape of our community by creating a vibrant space for artistic expression, community engagement, and cultural development.

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Reimagining Creativity at the Shift Workshop

Reimagining Creativity at the Shift Workshop

In an age where innovation and creativity are essential to success, it’s more important than ever to foster an environment of creative thinking. It’s with this mindset that we introduce the Shift Workshop, a unique and immersive event dedicated to harnessing the power of collaborative creativity.

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