News & Opportunities
Stay updated with the latest information and resources related to arts and culture.
Join the Danbury Community Advisory Committee!
Join the Danbury Mayor’s Community Advisory Committee
Now Accepting Applications for the 2024 CT Air Certified Facilitator Cohort
a training program for individuals who will serve as facilitators to advance creative community solutions.
New CT Humanities Funding Priorities
new funding priorities America 250
Climate Pollution Reduction Grant Workshop
Workshop on US EPA’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grants
Webinar: Disaster Mitigation, Preparedness, Response and Recovery Resources for Artists and Art and Cultural Institutions
webinar for emergency management
Data Story: CT’s Diverse Cultural Organizations
2022 CT Cultural Fund Operating Grant survey responses
CT Cultural Fund Deadlines
The deadline to expend CT Cultural Fund Operating Support Grant awards is fast approaching! Funds should be spent by December 20, 2023
The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum Presents a Take Home Exhibition by Laura Ortman
The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum Presents a Take Home Exhibition by Laura Ortman
Two Opportunities For Connecticut Visual Artists
Opportunities for artists to submit work for public spaces
New CT Humanities Intellectual Property Policy
CT Humanities’ new Intellectual Property (IP) policy will go into effect
Collections Assessment Grant Applications Open!
Collections Assessment Grant (CAG) provides small and mid-sized museums with a free assessment of their museum or archive collections.
Artists Respond
The Artists Respond grant program awards funds to Connecticut artists for community-based art projects.