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Past Projects

CityCenter Danbury Sculpture Attract Visitors.
The sculpture project is part of an ongoing effort to attract and engage visitors and businesses. John BonSignore from Redding, CT., has been making sculptures for over 20 years and has works across the US and Japan. Learn more!

Sculpture adds to the experience.
Perched on a hilltop in the Sandy Hook section of Newtown, Aquila’s Nest Vineyards is an innovative family-owned winery, tasking room and event venue. We partnered with the winery in 2021/2022 and presented outdoor sculptural exhibits at this stunning space.

An 1800 Square Foot Wall Mural at Danbury Fair
The Cultural Alliance of Western Connecticut and Danbury Fair Mall engaged artists for a large-scale mural installation at 7 Backus Ave. The opportunity attracted artists from CT, NY, NJ, MA, and other parts of the country.

Jobs for Artists and Arts Organizations
We teamed with Art in Common of Ridgefield to expand the mural project at Danbury Fair Mall. Six permanent but moveable mural canvases to showcase local and aspiring artists.