Category / Influencers

Kolton Harris, Kevin Mambo, and Kate Schardt Join Thrown Stone’s Board of Directors

Kolton Harris, Kevin Mambo, and Kate Schardt Join Thrown Stone’s Board of Directors

Thrown Stone is pleased to welcome Kolton Harris, Kevin Mambo, and Kate Schardt to their Board of Directors. Mr. Harris currently serves as Program Associate for the Connecticut Office of the Arts. Formerly the Artistic Director and current chair of the board of Writer’s Block Ink, a social justice youth theatre in New London, CT, Harris is also an accomplished recording artist, producer, and musician. “I’m elated to join the innovative fabric of Thrown Stone as we embark on the journey of generating an environment conducive to powerful imaginative theatre that can instigate real change in the world,” said Harris.

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Advocacy Alert

Advocacy Alert

Representative John-Michael Parker (House District 101 – Madison + Durham) is hosting an organizing call for interested advocates, allies, and supporters of the arts, culture, and tourism sector to discuss H.B. 6119 “An Act Concerning Arts, Culture, and Tourism Funding”.

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Forward into the Light

Forward into the Light

To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment and women’s constitutional right to vote, buildings and landmarks across the country will light up in purple and gold on August 26, 2020 as part of the nationwide Forward Into the Light Campaign, named in honor of the historic suffrage slogan, “Forward through the Darkness, Forward into the Light.”

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House Proposes Budget Increase to the NEA for FY 2021

House Proposes Budget Increase to the NEA for FY 2021

Earlier today, the U.S House Interior Appropriations Subcommittee strongly rejected President Trump’s fourth consecutive annual budget request to eliminate both the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) by instead appropriating $170 million in funding for each for fiscal year FY 2021! This represents an increase for both agencies of $7.75 million each over the current FY 2020 funding level of $162.25 million and it is the same amount that we recommended to Congress.

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The Lucy Prince Prize

The Lucy Prince Prize

In December 2019 we announced our first writing contest, the Lucy Terry Prince Prize for rural poets of color, which honors the legacy of the first known African-American poet in English literature.

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