Antonia Schachter | March 10, 2020

Join CAA and the Connecticut Tourism Coalition for Arts, Culture + Tourism Advocacy Day on April 8! CAA and the Office of the Arts will hold Arts Day at the Capitol. Our theme for this day of action is Arts Matter, but this is much more than just a tagline. Our goal is to engage our grassroots voices—artists, volunteers, audience members, and students—to share their stories. This collective message will make the case that arts and creativity should be an expected, well-funded, and valued part of the Connecticut experience. CAA members have the opportunity through March 6 to register to reserve table space to promote their organization. We’ll also be encouraging brief meetings with legislators, and we’ll send pre-event updates and hold a morning meeting on tips for advocating. This is an opportunity to collectively show our political leaders how valuable we are to the future of Connecticut. Your presence and voice are essential during this budget planning process to highlight the tangible benefits of investing in our industries, from building new jobs to developing vibrant cities, attracting visitors and millennials, and to expanding state tax revenue.


Legislative Office Building 300 Capitol Avenue Room 1D Hartford, CT 06106