Good to Great grant program funding for Capital Projects

By Lisa Scails | September 1


The Good to Great grant program provides funding for Capital Projects that link art, history and tourism in ways that enhance the visitors’ experience of a cultural venue and/or historic site.  Eligible applicants are 501(c)(3) organizations that own, operate and/or sponsor a cultural venue or historic site in Connecticut.  This funding is targeted for small to medium-sized organizations with an average annual income of $500,000 or less and which have received limited state funding in the recent past.  The Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) seeks applications which look beyond basic facilities repair, rehabilitation or expansion towards new means of telling the stories of our state’s rich history and culture in engaging, meaningful, and relevant ways.  We are prioritizing funding for collaborative projects which demonstrate a clear vision of how individual sites and organizations can effectively tie together local, regional or statewide cultural assets.

Applications are due by October 1st. For more information or questions, email Todd Levine at .

TIMELINE – Dates are subject to change.

Deadline: on or before 11:59 pm, October 1, 2018

Application Review: October – November 2018
Notification: Friday, December 14, 2018

Funding Period: Grantees have two (2) years from the contract date to complete the funded project


The goals of the Good to Great program are to fund Capital Projects that:

  • look beyond basic facilities repair, rehabilitation or expansion;
  • enable an organization to enhance and transform the visitors’ experience of a cultural venue and/or historical site;
  • tell the stories of our state’s rich history and culture in engaging, meaningful, and relevant ways;
  • are collaborative and demonstrate a clear vision of how individual sites and organizations can effectively tie together local, regional, and statewide cultural assets.


Applicants must be a 501(c)(3) organization that owns, operates and/or sponsors a cultural venue or historic site in Connecticut.  The historic site must be listed (or eligible to be listed) on the State and/or National Register of Historic Places.  This funding is targeted for small to medium-sized organizations with an average annual income of $500,000 or less and which have received limited state funding in the recent past.

Municipalities and previous Good to Great grant recipients are ineligible.


Grant requests must range between $50,000 to $125,000.
Good to Great is a reimbursement program. Grantees are responsible for all upfront expenses. All expenditures will be reviewed and approved prior to reimbursement.


Good to Great grant awards require a cash match (a minimum financial contribution) of no less than 25%. The cash match must be confirmed at time of application. Good to Great funding cannot be match with other state funds. Grantees are not allowed to use in-kind goods/services toward a match.