Karen Sion
Artist Medium
Canvas Painting

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Karen was born and brought up in central Kentucky where the world outdoors was both freeing and exhilarating. At the age of 8, her mother decided to take art lessons. Karen began to play around with her mom’s pastels producing portraits of animals from magazine photos…she was hooked – and her mother never saw her art supplies again. At 13 she experienced the ocean for the first time in her life. The ocean’s awe-inspiring power and spiritual presence became an impactful moment, and continues to be a revisited subject matter for her art. College afforded Karen the opportunity to explore various mediums and styles of art. Canvas painting became her primary form of self-expression and she graduated with a degree in Fine Arts and in Psychology.
Following college Karen moved to the Northeast where she ended up following a career in the healthcare setting and began raising a family. There was less time for her art, yet it was not completely eclipsed. Here in the Northeast she added a master’s degree in art education to her educational profile and thus furthered her experiences in art.