The CT Office of the Arts (COA) will host an information session on the Arts Workforce Initiative on Tuesday, February 7, 2023 at 6:30 pm via ZOOM.
Emerging creatives, college students, formerly incarcerated individuals and/or military veterans who are interested in exploring a career in the arts are encouraged to apply for a summer apprenticeship.
Non-profit arts organizations are encouraged to apply to host a summer apprentice.
Since 2017, the Arts Workforce Initiative (AWI) has provided hands-on work experience in the arts to diverse, traditionally underrepresented and talented individuals throughout the state of Connecticut. Since its inception, more than 100 Connecticut college students, emerging creatives, formerly incarcerated individuals and military veterans have been placed in apprenticeships at non-profit and cultural organizations. In return, they have explored various job opportunities in the arts, developed new passions, enhanced their skillset, received professional development support and, for some, long-term employment. Additionally, host organizations have provided apprentices with engaging experiences in arts administration, visual arts, arts presenting/curating, media arts, performing arts, visual arts, arts education and literary arts.
For Organizations:
– Intent to Apply Opens – February 8
– Intent to Apply Closes – February 24
– Official Invitation to Apply/Official Application Opens – March 2
– Official Application Closes – March 30
For Apprentices:
– Official Application Opens – March 1
– Official Application Closes – March 30
The apprenticeship period is June – August 2023